Kenneth King法官在15岁女孩被铐上手铐睡觉后,被降职到交通部。 Judge Kenneth King demoted to traffic division after handcuffing 15-year-old girl for sleeping.
底特律Kenneth King法官被降职处理轻罪,因为他在野外旅行期间将一名15岁女孩铐上手铐,因为他在法庭上睡着了。 Judge Kenneth King of Detroit has been demoted to handling minor offenses after he handcuffed a 15-year-old girl during a field trip for falling asleep in his courtroom. 这一事件导致该女孩的母亲提出诉讼,以寻求超过75 000美元的精神痛苦,导致国王接受法定的社会情感培训。 The incident, which led to a lawsuit from the girl's mother seeking over $75,000 for emotional distress, resulted in King undergoing mandated social-emotional training. 他已返回交通部工作,远离重大重罪案件。 He has returned to work in the traffic division, away from major felony cases.