据报道,31 岁的奥林匹克体操运动员马克斯·惠特洛克 (Max Whitlock) 正在谈判加入 ITV 的“我是名人......让我离开这里! 31-year-old Olympic gymnast Max Whitlock reportedly in talks to join ITV's "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!"
31岁的奥运冠军Max Whitlock, 据报正在讨论加入即将推出的ITV系列“我是一个名人...带我离开这里!” Olympic champion Max Whitlock, 31, is reportedly in discussions to join the upcoming series of ITV's "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!" 这位退役体操运动员自称是该节目的粉丝,可以效仿其他参加过该节目的体育明星。 The retired gymnast, a self-proclaimed fan of the show, could follow other sports stars who have participated. 如果他加入,这可能标志着惠特洛克电视生涯的开始,他将在巴黎奥运会上最后一次参加国际比赛。 If he joins, it may signal the beginning of a television career for Whitlock, who is set to make his final international appearance at the Paris Olympics.