17岁的男子因刺伤20岁的女子而被捕, 受害者的病情稳定. 17-year-old arrested for stabbing 20-year-old in Dublin, victim in stable condition.
一个17岁的孩子在都柏林的Ballymount被捕,当时一名20岁的男子星期三晚上在一个工业区发生争吵时被刺伤。 A 17-year-old was arrested in Ballymount, Dublin, after a 20-year-old man was stabbed during an altercation at an industrial estate on Wednesday evening. Gardaí在9点左右回覆,受害人被带到Tallaght大学医院,他在那里处于稳定状态。 Gardaí responded around 9 PM, and the victim was taken to Tallaght University Hospital, where he is in stable condition. 嫌疑人是根据《刑事司法法》被拘留的,据信在该事件中使用的武器已被缴获检查。 The suspect is being held under the Criminal Justice Act, and a weapon believed to have been used in the incident has been seized for examination. 目前正在进行调查。 Investigations are ongoing.