英国YouTuber Sam Pepper在吸食大麻饮料Bhang Lassi后在印度住院。 UK YouTuber Sam Pepper was hospitalized in India after consuming Bhang Lassi, a cannabis-infused drink.
英国YouTuber Sam Pepper在吸食大麻饮料Bhang Lassi后在印度住院。 UK YouTuber Sam Pepper was hospitalized in India after consuming Bhang Lassi, a cannabis-infused drink. 他最初享受街头销售商的饮料,后来出现了严重的消化问题和高烧,导致住院治疗。 Initially enjoying the beverage from a street vendor, he later developed severe digestive issues and high fever, prompting hospitalization. Pepper对供应商的卫生习惯表示遗憾。 Pepper expressed regret about the vendor's hygiene practices. 他的经验提高了人们对旅行时消费当地食品和饮料相关风险的认识。 His experience has raised awareness about the risks associated with consuming local foods and drinks while traveling. 此后,他推迟了前往印度接受进一步医学检查的行程。 He has since postponed his India tour for further medical tests.