魁北克省警察在蒙特利尔和魁北克市领导了一项针对枪支和贩毒网络的重大行动,逮捕了11人。 Sûreté du Québec led a major operation targeting gun & drug trafficking network in Montreal and Quebec City, resulting in 11 arrests.
魁北克省警察局领导的一项重大警察行动针对的是影响蒙特利尔和魁北克市的火器和贩毒网络。 A major police operation led by the Sûreté du Québec is targeting a firearm and drug trafficking network affecting Montreal and Quebec City. 100多名人员对多个城市进行了突袭,逮捕了11人。 Over 100 personnel conducted raids across multiple municipalities, resulting in 11 arrests. 该倡议是2023年10月开始的CENTAURE打击枪支暴力战略的一部分。 This initiative, part of the CENTAURE strategy to combat gun violence, began in October 2023. 当局鼓励任何掌握非法贩运信息的人与CENTAURE热线联系,电话是1-833-888-ARME(2763)。 Authorities encourage anyone with information on illegal trafficking to contact the CENTAURE hotline at 1-833-888-ARME (2763).