9月26日,阿富汗扎布尔省184万美元大坝启用,为当地村庄提供灌溉和电力。 On September 26, a $1.84m dam in Zabul province, Afghanistan, was inaugurated, providing irrigation and electricity to local villages.
9月26日,阿富汗扎布尔省新水坝在建造两年后开工,耗资184万美元。 On September 26, a new dam in Zabul province, Afghanistan, was inaugurated after two years of construction at a cost of $1.84 million. 该大坝旨在灌溉560公顷土地,并向当地村庄供电。 The dam is designed to irrigate 560 hectares and supply electricity to local villages. 自三年前掌权以来, 该项目是阿富汗看守政府加强基础设施(包括水坝、运河、道路和太阳能系统)的更广泛倡议的一部分。 This project is part of the Afghan caretaker government’s broader initiative to enhance infrastructure, including dams, canals, roads, and solar systems, since assuming power three years ago.