肯纳警方查获了一个欺诈性的收费支付站点, geauxpass.info,这是钓鱼骗局的一部分。 Kenner police seized a fraudulent toll payment site, geauxpass.info, part of a phishing scam.
肯纳警察局查封了一个假网站 geauxpass.info 模仿路易斯安那州官方收费网站 The Kenner Police Department has seized a fraudulent website, geauxpass.info, which mimicked Louisiana's official toll payment site. 它托管在俄罗斯服务器上,是网络钓鱼骗局的一部分,针对居民发送短信,要求支付 3.75 美元的未付通行费,威胁要额外罚款。 Hosted on a Russian server, it was part of a phishing scam targeting residents with texts claiming $3.75 in unpaid toll fees, threatening additional fines. 当局警告公众警惕这些骗局,强调合法收费通知不是通过文本或电子邮件发出的。 Authorities warn the public to remain vigilant against such scams, emphasizing that legitimate toll notices are not sent via text or email.