Homewood居民投票决定通过一个理事会-管理政府,将市议会从11名减至4名,并任命一名全职城市管理者。 Homewood residents voted to adopt a Council-Manager government, reducing city council from 11 to 4 members and appointing a full-time city manager.
Homewood居民投票通过一个理事会-管理者政府,任命一名全职城市管理人员监督日常业务。 Homewood residents voted to adopt a Council-Manager government, appointing a full-time city manager to oversee daily operations. 这项措施以222票通过,将市议会从11名减为4名,并规定市长作为市议会议长具有双重作用。 The measure passed by 222 votes, reducing the city council from 11 to 4 members and establishing a dual-role for the mayor as council president. 这些改革将于2025年11月生效,目的是加强治理,同时对居民中的代表性提出关切。 The changes will take effect in November 2025, aiming to enhance governance while raising concerns about representation among residents.