Celina Jaitly 在已故导师 Firoz Khan 诞辰 89 周年之际发表了一篇感人的 Instagram 帖子。 Celina Jaitly honored late mentor Firoz Khan on his 89th birth anniversary with an emotional Instagram post.
Celina Jaitly向她已故的导师Firoz Khan(Firoz Khan)致敬, Celina Jaitly honored her late mentor Firoz Khan on his 89th birth anniversary with an emotional Instagram post. Jaitly 在他的 2008 年电影《Janasheen》中首次亮相,他对他的指导表示感谢,这些指导塑造了她的事业和个性。 Jaitly, who debuted in his 2008 film "Janasheen," expressed gratitude for his guidance that shaped her career and personality. 她赞扬Khan对印度电影业的重大贡献,强调他作为开拓者的作用。 She praised Khan's significant contributions to Indian cinema, highlighting his role as a trailblazer. 粉丝们积极回应她的敬意,反思Khan对宝莱坞的持久影响。 Fans responded positively to her tribute, reflecting on Khan's lasting influence in Bollywood.