Sheboygan Falls助理消防局长John Albright因被控对一名未成年人进行二级性攻击而被捕。 Assistant Fire Chief of Sheboygan Falls, John Albright, arrested on charges of second-degree sexual assault of a minor.
Sheboygan Falls的消防助理主任John Albright被逮捕并被拘留,被控对一名16岁以下儿童进行二级性攻击。 John Albright, the Assistant Fire Chief of Sheboygan Falls, has been arrested and is detained on charges of second-degree sexual assault of a child under 16. 据称事件发生在2008年或2009年前后,当时受害人13岁或14岁。 The alleged incident occurred around 2008 or 2009 when the victim was 13 or 14. Albright已休行政假,目前正在进行正式调查。 Albright has been placed on administrative leave, and a formal investigation is ongoing. 谢博根瀑布警察局正在寻求公众提供更多信息。 The Sheboygan Falls Police Department is seeking additional information from the public.