匹兹堡大学学习大教堂因停电而关闭,维修正在进行。 University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning closed due to power outage, repairs ongoing.
由于停电造成的电力问题, 匹兹堡大学已于周三关闭其教堂. The University of Pittsburgh has closed its Cathedral of Learning on Wednesday due to a major electrical issue stemming from a power outage. 修复工作正在进行中,预计到今天结束时完成。 Repairs are underway, with expectations for completion by the end of the day. 受影响的学生应联系教官了解最新情况,同时可以远程上课。 Affected students should contact their instructors for updates, while classes may be held remotely. 进入大楼受到限制,需要紧急进入的人应设法获得安全。 Access to the building is restricted, and those needing urgent access should reach out to security.