Hernando县的坦帕湾地区学校由于潜在的TC9而于9月25日至26日关闭。 Tampa Bay area schools in Hernando County close on Sept 25-26 due to Potential TC#9.
由于潜在的热带气旋 #9,坦帕湾地区的官员将于 9 月 25 日和 26 日关闭赫尔南多县的学校。 Officials in the Tampa Bay area are closing schools in Hernando County on September 25 and 26 due to Potential Tropical Cyclone #9. 其他州,包括希尔斯堡州和皮内拉斯州,尚未宣布关闭。 Other counties, including Hillsborough and Pinellas, have not announced closures yet. Florida A&M大学也取消9月25日至27日的班级。 Florida A&M University has also canceled classes from September 25 to 27. 当地官员正在监测包括水泵站在内的风暴准备情况,以减轻洪水风险,因为风暴威胁到该区域。 Local officials are monitoring storm preparations, including pumping stations, to mitigate flooding risks as the storm threatens the region.