菲尼克斯皇家旅馆因卖淫,贩毒和洗钱违法行为被扣押; 旅馆经营者面临44项指控. Phoenix's Royal Inn motel seized for prostitution, drug trafficking, and money laundering violations; motel operators face 44-count indictment.
2024年9月24日,联邦当局查封了凤凰城的皇家旅馆旅馆,罪名是违反《联邦旅行法》和洗钱。 On September 24, 2024, federal authorities seized the Royal Inn motel in Phoenix for violations related to the federal Travel Act and money laundering. 该汽车旅馆的经营者因据称协助卖淫和贩毒而面临44项起诉。 The motel's operators face a 44-count indictment for allegedly facilitating prostitution and drug trafficking. 如果被定罪,他们可能面临相当长的监禁时间和罚款。 If convicted, they could face significant prison time and fines. 计划举行一次记者招待会,宣布进一步的细节。 A press conference is planned to announce further details. 在调查之前,警方有大量关于该地犯罪活动的报告。 The investigation follows numerous police reports of criminal activity at the location.