公司董事会成员托马斯·雷诺德和奥德·杜兰辞职,朱尔·尼尔和皮埃尔·埃马纽尔·杜兰被任命为临时董事. Millicom board members Thomas Reynaud and Aude Durand resign, Jules Niel and Pierre-Emmanuel Durand named interim directors.
拉丁美洲主要电信公司Millicom(Tigo)宣布,董事会成员Thomas Reynaud和Aude Durand立即辞职。 Millicom (Tigo), a major Latin American telecom provider, has announced the immediate resignation of board members Thomas Reynaud and Aude Durand. 董事会现由八名成员组成,任命Jules Niel和Pierre-Emmanuel Durand为临时董事,直至下届年会。 The board now consists of eight members, with Jules Niel and Pierre-Emmanuel Durand appointed as interim directors until the next annual meeting. 这些变化是在更广泛的领导力调整和伊利亚德集团内离任成员责任增加的情况下发生的。 These changes come amid broader leadership adjustments and increased responsibilities for the departing members within the Iliad group.