Meta平台拒绝加入欧盟自愿加入的AI条约,因为它侧重于AI法案的遵守情况。 Meta Platforms declined to join EU's voluntary AI Pact as it focuses on AI Act compliance.
脸书的母公司Meta Platforms选择不加入欧盟自愿的AI协议,该协议在2026年8月欧盟AI法案全面实施之前签署. Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, has opted not to join the European Union's voluntary AI Pact, which precedes the full implementation of the EU's AI Act set for August 2026. 《AI法》是AI治理的第一个全面框架,授权公司提供AI培训数据的详细摘要。 The AI Act, the first comprehensive framework for AI governance, mandates companies to provide detailed summaries of their AI training data. 目前,Meta正专注于遵守人工智能法,并可能考虑在未来加入人工智能条约. Meta is currently focusing on compliance with the AI Act and may consider joining the AI Pact in the future.