印度卡纳塔克对混合汽车和电动汽车实行减税和奖励措施,以提高清洁机动性。 Karnataka, India, introduces tax cuts and incentives for hybrid and electric vehicles to boost clean mobility.
印度卡纳塔克州将减税并提供财政激励以促进清洁交通. Karnataka, India, is set to reduce taxes and offer financial incentives to boost the clean mobility sector. 国家将取消30 000美元以下的杂交汽车的道路税和注册费, The state will eliminate road tax and registration fees for hybrid cars priced under $30,000, previously taxed at 13% to 18%. 此外,它将为电动汽车制造商的资本投资提供高达25%的奖励。 Additionally, it will provide up to 25% incentives on capital investments for electric vehicle manufacturers. 这一举措旨在增加采用清洁车辆,吸引对电动车辆工业的投资。 This initiative aims to increase the adoption of clean vehicles and attract investments in the electric vehicle industry.