现代、基亚和三星于2026年建立SDV智能手机整合战略伙伴关系。 Hyundai, Kia, and Samsung create strategic partnership for SDV smartphone integration by 2026.
现代汽车公司、基亚公司和三星电子公司结成了战略伙伴关系,以加强软件定义的车辆(SDV)与智能手机的整合。 Hyundai Motor, Kia, and Samsung Electronics have formed a strategic partnership to enhance the integration of software-defined vehicles (SDVs) with smartphones. 此次合作旨在通过利用三星的 SmartThings 平台创造无缝的用户体验,该平台将在 2026 年之前丰富未来的信息娱乐系统。 This collaboration aims to create a seamless user experience by leveraging Samsung's SmartThings platform, set to enrich future infotainment systems by 2026. 关键特征包括车辆定位跟踪和针对个人生活方式的AI驱动服务,促进更相互联系的流动生态系统。 Key features include vehicle location tracking and AI-driven services tailored to individual lifestyles, promoting a more connected mobility ecosystem.