Google Photos 将在 12 月集成 AI 聊天机器人 Gemini,用于叙述 Memories 功能。 Google Photos to integrate AI chatbot, Gemini, for narrated Memories feature in December.
谷歌照片将通过整合其人工智能聊天机器人Gemini来增强其Memories功能, Google Photos is set to enhance its Memories feature by integrating its AI chatbot, Gemini, for narrated recaps. 最近的 APK 拆解揭示了“Gemini 驱动的记忆”的隐藏代码,它将提供基于图像识别和位置标签的 AI 生成旁白。 A recent APK teardown revealed hidden code for "Gemini-powered memories," which will offer AI-generated narration based on image recognition and location tags. 预计12月的这个功能将是可选的,让用户可以打开或关闭它。 This feature, expected in December, will be optional, allowing users to toggle it on or off. 关于叙事声音和数据来源的具体细节仍然不清楚。 Specific details about the narration's voice and data sources remain unclear.