美国通用航空公司的GEnx发动机在南亚航空公司飞行时间达到200万小时,主要是在印度. GE Aerospace's GEnx engines reach 2 million flight hours with South Asian airlines, primarily in India.
GE American的Genx引擎大家庭已经与南亚航空公司(主要在印度)记录了200万个飞行小时。 GE Aerospace's GEnx engine family has logged two million flight hours with South Asian airlines, primarily in India. 作为波音787和747-8飞机的发动机,GEnx的燃油效率比前者高15%,并减少二氧化碳排放. The GEnx, which powers Boeing's 787 and 747-8, is recognized for being 15% more fuel-efficient and reducing CO2 emissions compared to its predecessor. 该公司使用人工智能和机器学习来监测和维护发动机。 The company employs AI and machine learning for engine monitoring and maintenance. 拥有超过1300台发动机的GE航空航天公司继续支持该地区的航空业. With over 1,300 engines in service, GE Aerospace continues to support the region's aviation sector.