女演员 Shailene Woodley 讨论了她的健康挑战、误诊和康复之旅,强调了自我教育和自我信任。 Actress Shailene Woodley discusses her health challenges, misdiagnoses, and recovery journey, emphasizing self-education and self-trust.
以《分歧者》而闻名的女演员谢琳·伍德利 (Shailene Woodley) 公开了她在 20 多岁时的康复之旅,在此期间,她面临着严重的健康挑战,包括听力丧失和行动不便。 Actress Shailene Woodley, known for "Divergent," opened up about her healing journey in her twenties, during which she faced severe health challenges including loss of hearing and mobility issues. 被误诊为各种疾病后,她强调了自我教育和信任对她康复的重要性。 Misdiagnosed with various conditions, she emphasized the importance of self-education and trust in her recovery.