女演员曼迪·摩尔生了第三个孩子 女儿叫路易丝·埃弗雷特·戈德史密斯 Actress Mandy Moore gave birth to her third child, a daughter named Louise Everett Goldsmith.
女演员曼迪·摩尔因在《这是我们》中的角色而获认可, 欢迎她第三个孩子, 女儿叫路易丝·埃弗雷特·戈德史密斯。 Actress Mandy Moore, recognized for her role in "This Is Us," has welcomed her third child, a daughter named Louise Everett Goldsmith. 她和丈夫泰勒·戈德史密斯现在有三个孩子,包括两个儿子,Gus和Ozzie。 She and husband Taylor Goldsmith now have three children, including two sons, Gus and Ozzie. 摩尔与她一样感谢她们日益成长的家庭,并指出这一怀孕尤其具有挑战性。 Moore shared her gratitude for their growing family and noted that this pregnancy was particularly challenging. 家庭欣喜地接受他们的新添加内容,把孩子称为他们自己的“大三”。 The family joyfully embraces their new addition, referring to their children as their own "Big Three."