14岁在浴室用枪逮捕;父母要求在格伦巴德东高中加强安全。 14-year-old arrested with gun in bathroom; parents demand enhanced safety at Glenbard East High School.
伊利诺伊州伦巴德东高中的家长在涉及火器的一系列事件之后,倡导加强安全措施,包括金属探测器。 Parents at Glenbard East High School in Lombard, Illinois, are advocating for enhanced safety measures, including metal detectors, after a series of incidents involving firearms. 9月10日,在浴室发现了一把装有子弹的枪,导致一名14岁的孩子被捕,随后一名游客在车上拿着枪。 A loaded gun was found in a bathroom on September 10, leading to the arrest of a 14-year-old, followed by a visitor with a gun in their vehicle. 关心此事的父母计划在学校董事会会议上提出他们的要求,在对学校威胁的担忧加剧的情况下,要求安全协议的透明度。 Concerned parents plan to voice their demands at a school board meeting, pressing for transparency on safety protocols amid heightened anxiety over school threats.