越南和美国公司签署了能源、AI和数据中心合作谅解备忘录。 Vietnamese and US companies signed MoUs for energy, AI, and data center collaborations.
越南和美国的公司最近签署了谅解备忘录,以便在能源、人工智能(AI)和数据中心方面在美国商业论坛上进行合作。 Vietnamese and U.S. companies recently signed Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) to collaborate on energy, artificial intelligence (AI), and data centers at a U.S. business forum. 关键协定包括越南石油与Kellogg Brown & Root之间的能源技术转让,以及LNG与Excerate Energy的合作。 Key agreements include energy technology transfer between PetroVietnam and Kellogg Brown & Root, and LNG cooperation with Excelerate Energy. 此外,Sovico集团与超级微型公司合作开发人工智能,而Vietjet则与Honeywell航空航天公司达成了11亿美元的交易。 Additionally, Sovico Group partnered with Supermicro for AI development, while Vietjet secured a $1.1 billion deal with Honeywell Aerospace.