两名男子在 95 号州际公路上带头接管 100 辆摩托车后被捕,涉及车道阻塞和特技;10 月 2 日面临指控。 Two men arrested after leading street takeover with 100 motorcycles on Interstate 95 involving lane blocking and stunts; facing charges Oct 2.
两人,26岁的Shaun Puglia和28岁的Ryley Lewis,在95号州际公路从纽黑文到纽约的近100辆摩托车的街头接管后被捕。 Two men, Shaun Puglia, 26, and Ryley Lewis, 28, were arrested following a street takeover involving nearly 100 motorcycles on Interstate 95, stretching from New Haven into New York. 警方接到多个911电话, 关于该集团封锁车道和表演特技. Police received multiple 911 calls about the group blocking lanes and performing stunts. 嫌犯面临包括鲁莽危害和干扰警员等指控,并定于10月2日出庭。 The suspects face charges including reckless endangerment and interfering with an officer, and are set to appear in court on October 2.