在2024年9月24日,Nothing在印度推出了Ear Open无线耳机,售价为17,999美元. On September 24, 2024, Nothing launched its Ear Open wireless earbuds in India, priced at ₹17,999 ($149).
在2024年9月24日,Nothing在印度推出了Ear Open无线耳机,售价为17,999美元. On September 24, 2024, Nothing launched its Ear Open wireless earbuds in India, priced at ₹17,999 ($149). 耳机的设计是开放式的, 让用户在听音时能听到周围的声音. Featuring an open-ear design, these earbuds allow users to hear their surroundings while listening. 每次充电可提供长达 8 小时的播放时间,带充电盒可提供 30 小时的播放时间。 They provide up to 8 hours of playback per charge and 30 hours with the case. 关键特征包括IP54抗水、蓝牙5.3支持和与ChatGPT的整合。 Key features include IP54 water resistance, Bluetooth 5.3 support, and integration with ChatGPT. 预订立即开始,全球可用性从10月1日开始. Pre-orders begin immediately, with global availability starting October 1.