证交会指控Atom投资者有限责任公司不履约,但因自我报告与合作而免除处罚。 SEC charges Atom Investors LP for noncompliance, but waives penalty due to self-reporting and cooperation.
证交会指控得克萨斯州投资顾问Atom投资者有限责任公司未能按照联邦法律的要求保持非渠道通信。 The SEC has charged Texas investment adviser Atom Investors LP for failing to maintain off-channel communications as required by federal law. 然而,由于Atom的自我报告、补救和在相关调查中的合作,SEC选择不施加惩罚。 However, due to Atom's self-reporting, remediation, and cooperation in a related investigation, the SEC opted not to impose a penalty. Atom同意停止进一步违反规定的行为,接受训斥,不承认或否认指控。 Atom agreed to cease further violations and accepted a censure without admitting or denying the allegations. 这突出了在遵守规章方面自我报告的重要性。 This highlights the importance of self-reporting in regulatory compliance.