一人被枪杀,找到被捕的嫌疑人,波士顿牙买加平原的调查正在进行中。 A person was shot, arrested suspect found, investigation ongoing in Jamaica Plain, Boston.
星期一晚上,在波士顿的牙买加平原,杰克逊广场MBTA站附近发生枪击事件。 A shooting occurred Monday night in Jamaica Plain, Boston, near the Jackson Square MBTA station. 一人被枪杀并被送往当地医院;他们的状况不明。 One person was shot and taken to a local hospital; their condition is unknown. 警察在现场逮捕了一名嫌疑人,并收缴了火器。 Police arrested a suspect at the scene and recovered a firearm. 调查员在继续审查事件相关情况时,正在寻求公众提供更多信息。 Investigators are looking for additional information from the public as they continue to examine the circumstances surrounding the incident. 关于嫌疑人身份和指控的细节尚未公布。 Details on the suspect's identity and charges have not been released.