新西兰发现的新的幽灵鲨鱼物种Harriotta Avia不同于已知的遗传和形态物种。 New ghost shark species Harriotta avia identified in New Zealand, differing from known species genetically and morphologically.
在新西兰东海岸外发现了一个新的幽灵鲨鱼物种Harriotta avia。 A new ghost shark species, Harriotta avia, has been identified off New Zealand's eastern coast. 这种物种的长鼻子可以测量其身体长度的一半,其长鼻子值得注意,这种物种在基因和形态上不同于以前已知的幽灵鲨鱼。 Notable for its long nose, which can measure half its body length, this species differs genetically and morphologically from previously known ghost sharks. 它在2,600米深的深处蓬勃发展,主要是食用甲壳类动物。 It thrives at depths up to 2,600 meters, primarily feeding on crustaceans. 这些发现挑战了以前对单一全球物种的假设,并突显了鲨鱼的难以捉摸的性质。 The discovery challenges prior assumptions of a single global species and highlights the shark's elusive nature.