1 430万美国人照顾伤员退伍军人,每年提供119B美元护理,面临严重的财政压力。 14.3 million Americans care for wounded veterans, providing $119B in care annually, facing significant financial strain.
一份兰德报告显示,有1 430万美国人照顾受伤、生病或受伤的军人和退伍军人,占成年人口的5.5%。 A RAND report reveals that 14.3 million Americans serve as caregivers for wounded, ill, or injured military members and veterans, accounting for 5.5% of the adult population. 这些照顾者每年提供约1 190亿美元的照料,但面临严重的财政压力,许多人生活在贫困线以下。 These caregivers provide approximately $119 billion in care annually but face significant financial strain, with many living below the poverty line. 报告呼吁加强支持,包括心理健康资源和财政援助,以应对这些照顾者面临的挑战。 The report calls for enhanced support, including mental health resources and financial aid, to address the challenges faced by these caregivers.