Marlene Puffer辞去AIMCO的首席执行官职务,代之以Scudelari和Lord的联合管理。 Marlene Puffer resigned as AIMCo's CIO, replaced by joint management of Scudellari and Lord.
Marlene Puffer在不到两年后辞去艾伯塔省投资管理公司首席投资干事一职。 Marlene Puffer has departed as Chief Investment Officer of Alberta Investment Management Corp. (AIMCo) after less than two years. AIMCo没有直接更换,而是提升David Scudelari和Justin Lord管理公共和私人资产。 Instead of a direct replacement, AIMCo has elevated David Scudellari and Justin Lord to manage public and private assets. Scudellari将监督私人投资,Lord将管理公共股票和固定收入。 Scudellari will oversee private investments, while Lord will manage public equities and fixed income. AIMCO的首席执行官Evan Siddall承认Puffer的贡献,并表示对新领导层有信心。 AIMCo's CEO, Evan Siddall, acknowledged Puffer's contributions and expressed confidence in the new leadership.