联邦贸易委员会提出与Invitation Homes达成4800万美元的和解协议, FTC proposes $48M settlement with Invitation Homes over deceptive rental practices.
美国联邦贸易委员会已提出与美国最大的单一家庭房东Invitation Homes达成4800万美元的和解协议, The FTC has proposed a $48 million settlement with Invitation Homes, the largest U.S. single-family landlord, due to allegations of deceptive rental practices. 据称,该公司收取未披露费用,并不公平地扣留了保证金。 The company allegedly charged undisclosed fees and withheld security deposits unfairly. 如果得到联邦法官的批准,解决方案将授权明确披露所有费用,确保安全保证金的公平归还,并停止不公平的驱逐做法,特别是在大流行病期间影响房客的驱逐做法。 If approved by a federal judge, the settlement would mandate clear disclosure of all fees, ensure fair return of security deposits, and halt unfair eviction practices, especially those affecting renters during the pandemic.