布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 (Bruce Springsteen) 签名的冲浪板和吉他的慈善拍卖帮助阿斯伯里公园地区的慈善机构。 Charity auction of Bruce Springsteen-signed surfboards and guitar aids Asbury Park area charities.
一场慈善拍卖正在进行中,其中包括两块冲浪板和一把由布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀 (Bruce Springsteen) 签名的吉他,以使阿斯伯里公园地区的六家慈善机构受益。 A charity auction is underway, featuring two surfboards and a guitar signed by Bruce Springsteen, to benefit six Asbury Park area charities. 拍卖由 Fandiem 与 Sea.Hear.Now 音乐节合作举办,将持续到 10 月 1 日。 Organized by Fandiem in collaboration with the Sea.Hear.Now festival, the auction runs until October 1. 这些冲浪板由 Carl “Tinker” West 制作,其中包括一个带有 75 张斯普林斯汀照片的冲浪板。 The surfboards, crafted by Carl "Tinker" West, include one with 75 Springsteen photos. 这把名为 The Boardwalk Beauty Model 的吉他融合了象征阿斯伯里公园木板路的元素。 The guitar, named The Boardwalk Beauty Model, incorporates elements symbolizing Asbury Park's boardwalk.