在Roanoke县警察调查的Pitzer路发现2名成年人死亡;没有公开威胁。 2 adults found dead on Pitzer Road, Roanoke County Police investigating; no public threat.
Roanoke县警方正在调查在Pitzer路上发现两名成人死亡的事件, Roanoke County Police are investigating the deaths of two adults discovered on Pitzer Road during a critical life-support call early Monday. 虽然调查仍在进行中,但当局已表示不存在公众威胁。 While the investigation is ongoing, authorities have indicated there is no public threat. 作为预防措施,近郊学校被临时置于安全模式中。 Nearby schools were temporarily placed in secure mode as a precaution. 该地区仍然有大量警察存在,但目前没有透露进一步情况。 A heavy police presence remains in the area, but no further information has been disclosed at this time.