不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农因闪电造成的两场野火依然失控。 2 wildfires in Vernon, British Columbia, attributed to lightning, remain out of control.
不列颠哥伦比亚省弗农因闪电造成的两场野火目前失控。 Two wildfires in Vernon, British Columbia, attributed to lightning, are currently out of control. 9月21日发现的狄克逊溪大火, 面积为0.0009公顷, 位于拉文顿以北15公里处。 The Dixon Creek fire, discovered on September 21, spans 0.009 hectares and is 15 km north of Lavington. 9月19日发现的Woodward Creek火灾面积为0.3公顷,位于樱桃维尔西北。 The Woodward Creek fire, found on September 19, covers 0.3 hectares and is located northwest of Cherryville. 地方当局正在监测这两起火灾,但没有实施地区限制。 Local authorities are monitoring both fires, but no area restrictions have been implemented.