我们与马来西亚航空公司结成伙伴,在吉隆坡订票和扩大办事处。 Wego partners with Malaysia Airlines for flight bookings and expands office in Kuala Lumpur.
中东和北非地区领先的在线旅游市场 Wego 已与马来西亚航空公司合作,允许用户直接通过其平台预订航班。 Wego, the leading online travel marketplace in the MENA region, has partnered with Malaysia Airlines to allow users to book flights directly through its platform. 这种合作扩大了50多个全球目的地的准入,加强了旅行选择。 This collaboration expands access to over 50 global destinations, enhancing travel options. 罗斯·维奇(Ross Venitch)首席执行官强调,这一伙伴关系与韦戈的使命一致,为旅行者提供最佳选择。 CEO Ross Veitch emphasized that the partnership aligns with Wego’s mission to provide the best choices for travelers. 此外,韦戈正在吉隆坡开设一个更大的办事处,以加强其在马来西亚的存在。 Additionally, Wego is opening a larger office in Kuala Lumpur to strengthen its presence in Malaysia.