索尼在印度推出了Bravia Theatre U带扬声器, 配备了Dolby Atmos, 售价为24,990卢比. Sony launches Bravia Theatre U neckband speaker with Dolby Atmos in India for Rs 24,990.
索尼在印度推出了Bravia Theatre U带扬声器, 售价为24,990卢比. Sony has introduced the Bravia Theatre U neckband speaker in India, priced at Rs 24,990. 它有多尔比·阿特莫斯和360个空间声音,供沉浸音频体验,还有12小时电池寿命和多点连接,可同时使用两个装置。 It features Dolby Atmos and 360 spatial sound for an immersive audio experience, along with a 12-hour battery life and multipoint connectivity for use with two devices simultaneously. 这款扬声器旨在增强家庭娱乐,特别是与兼容BRAVIA电视相配合时,并通过各种零售商和在线平台提供. The speaker is designed to enhance home entertainment, especially when paired with compatible BRAVIA TVs, and is available through various retailers and online platforms.