丹麦总理Mette Frederiksen赞扬诺沃·诺迪斯克对丹麦多样化经济的贡献。 Danish PM Mette Frederiksen praises Novo Nordisk's contribution to Denmark's diverse economy.
丹麦总理梅特·弗雷德里克森赞扬丹麦的公司风景,特别是市场价值约为5 700亿美元的药店巨头诺沃·诺迪斯克。 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen praised the country's corporate landscape, particularly pharma giant Novo Nordisk, which has a market value of about $570 billion. 她驳斥了对诺沃省衰退可能损害经济的担心,强调丹麦的增长得到包括金融服务和建筑业在内的各部门的支持。 She dismissed fears that a decline in Novo could harm the economy, highlighting that Denmark's growth is supported by various sectors, including financial services and construction. Frederiksen指出,多样化的出口组合可增强经济稳定,减少易受市场波动影响的脆弱性。 Frederiksen noted that a diverse export portfolio enhances economic stability, reducing vulnerability to market fluctuations.