印度黄金贷款年增长率为20%-30%,其驱动因素是黄金价格上升和无担保信贷机会有限。 20-30% annual growth in gold loans in India, driven by rising gold prices and limited unsecured credit access.
印度的贷款市场越来越倾向于黄金贷款,每年增长20-30%,达到1,23,776卢比。 The Indian lending market is increasingly favoring gold loans, which have grown by 20-30% annually, reaching Rs 1,23,776 crore. 黄金价格上升和无担保信贷机会有限正在推动这一趋势。 Rising gold prices and limited unsecured credit access are driving this trend. 选择黄金贷款提供者的关键因素包括利率、贷款对价值比率和还款灵活性。 Key factors for selecting a gold loan provider include interest rates, loan-to-value ratios, and repayment flexibility. Shriram Finance和Bajaj Finance是提供竞争性条件和快速加工的突出角色,使黄金贷款成为对借款人有吸引力的金融选择。 Shriram Finance and Bajaj Finance are prominent players offering competitive terms and quick processing, making gold loans an attractive financial option for borrowers.