扎耶德和努尔迪拜基金会的合作伙伴通过为期六年的AI驱动方案,在摩洛哥应对糖尿病眼病。 Zayed and Noor Dubai Foundations partner to address diabetic eye disease in Morocco with a six-year AI-driven program.
扎耶德慈善和人道主义基金会和努尔迪拜基金会合作,通过一个为期六年的方案,在摩洛哥防治糖尿病眼病。 The Zayed Charitable & Humanitarian Foundation and Noor Dubai Foundation have partnered to address diabetic eye disease in Morocco through a six-year program. 这一举措将实施由AI驱动的筛查系统,以早期发现糖尿病复脑病,特别是在偏远地区。 This initiative will implement an AI-driven screening system for early detection of diabetic retinopathy, particularly in remote areas. 它还将根据可持续发展目标,特别是关于伙伴关系的SDG 17,制定指导方针,确定病人转诊途径,并培训保健提供者。 It will also create guidelines, establish patient referral pathways, and train healthcare providers, aligning with Sustainable Development Goals, notably SDG 17 on partnerships.