威斯康星州的103号法令保护了在极端高温下救助受困动物的民事责任. Wisconsin's Assembly Act 103 shields rescue of distressed animals in extreme heat from civil liability.
在威斯康星州,第 103 号议会法案允许在极端高温下打破车窗营救陷入困境的动物,从而保护好心的撒玛利亚人免于承担民事责任。 In Wisconsin, Assembly Act 103 permits breaking a car window to rescue a distressed animal in extreme heat, protecting good Samaritans from civil liability. 不过,最好先联系警察,他们可以评估局势并迅速作出反应。 However, it's advisable to first contact the police, who can assess the situation and respond quickly. 这项法律强调,打破窗户应当是最后手段,只有在等待执法不可行的情况下才在紧急情况下采取。 This law emphasizes that breaking a window should be a last resort, only taken in urgent circumstances when waiting for law enforcement is not feasible.