Vinfast Auto的股票跌了80%, VinFast Auto's stock plunged 80% due to disappointing Q2 loss and concerns over sales growth.
Vinfast Auto的股票在过去一年下跌了近80%,主要是因为季度结果令人失望。 VinFast Auto's stock has plunged nearly 80% over the past year, largely due to disappointing quarterly results. 在第二季度,该公司报告的销售额为3.57亿美元,每股亏损0.33美元,低于预期. In Q2, the company reported a loss of $0.33 per share on $357 million in sales, falling short of expectations. 投资者的信心正在减弱,因为有积极的交付目标和对销售增长的关切。 With aggressive delivery targets and concerns over sales growth, investor confidence is waning. 虽然VinFast的目的是要向美国和欧洲扩展,但它依赖关联方销售,使人对其市场可行性产生进一步怀疑。 While VinFast aims to expand into the U.S. and Europe, its reliance on related-party sales raises further doubts about its market viability.