2023年,印度高端酒精出口增长了27%,威士忌出口增长了66%。 2023 saw a 27% increase in India's high-end alcohol exports, with Scotch exports surging by 66%.
研究显示,印度的富裕阶层正在大幅提高奢侈品,特别是威士忌和美酒的销售,增长率超过美国和中国。 Research indicates that India's wealthy class is significantly boosting sales of luxury spirits, especially Scotch whisky and fine wines, with growth rates exceeding those in the U.S. and China. 到2022年,对印度的苏格兰威士忌出口猛增66%,预计到2024年,市场将每年增长16%。 Scotch exports to India have surged by 66% through 2022, and the market is projected to grow at 16% annually until 2024. 2023年出口了1.67亿瓶酒,比2019年增加了27%,突出显示印度成为高端酒精饮料的主要市场。 In 2023, 167 million bottles were exported, marking a 27% increase since 2019, highlighting India's emergence as a key market for high-end alcoholic beverages.