俄罗斯拒绝参加后瑞士和平首脑会议的讨论,以排斥和要求承认吞并领土为由。 Russia declines to participate in post-Swiss peace summit discussions, citing exclusion and demand for recognition of annexed territories.
俄罗斯已宣布不参加6月举行的瑞士组织的和平首脑会议的任何后续讨论,俄罗斯批评这次首脑会议是欺诈性的。 Russia has announced it will not join any follow-up discussions to the Swiss-organized peace summit held in June, which it criticized as fraudulent. 90多个国家参加的首脑会议将俄罗斯排除在外。 The summit, attended by over 90 countries, excluded Russia. 外交部发言人Maria Zakharova女士指出,俄罗斯只有在承认目前当地局势,特别是承认该国吞并乌克兰地区的局势的情况下,才愿意进行谈判。 Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova indicated that Russia is open to negotiations only if they acknowledge the current situation on the ground, particularly regarding its annexation of Ukrainian regions.