在Brookhill车道发现一具尸体后,南奥斯汀正在调查一起凶杀案。 A homicide investigation is underway in South Austin after a body was found on Brookhill Drive.
奥斯汀警方正在调查一起凶杀案 在星期六在南奥斯汀的布鲁克希尔道发现一具尸体后 Austin police are investigating a homicide after a body was discovered on Brookhill Drive in South Austin on Saturday. 事件发生在 West Stassney Lane 和 Menchaca Road 附近的 2300 街区。 The incident occurred in the 2300 block, near West Stassney Lane and Menchaca Road. 凶杀案警探目前正在现场,预计一旦初步调查完成,将作简报。 Homicide detectives are currently on the scene, and a briefing is anticipated once the initial investigation is complete. 随着情况的发展,将提供最新情况。 Updates will be provided as the situation develops.