西非经共体领导人在拉各斯完成了拉各斯-阿比让走廊公路项目的设计。 ECOWAS leaders finalized Lagos-Abidjan Corridor Highway Project design in Lagos.
西非经共体领导人在拉各斯举行会议,最后确定150亿美元的拉各斯-阿比让走廊公路项目的设计。 ECOWAS leaders met in Lagos to finalize the design of the $15 billion Lagos-Abidjan Corridor Highway Project. 该倡议旨在通过1 068公里高速公路连接五个西非国家,促进区域经济一体化。 This initiative aims to boost regional economic integration by connecting five West African countries via a 1,068-kilometer highway. 非洲开发银行支持该项目,该项目目前正处于研究阶段,建筑工程定于2025年开始。 The African Development Bank supports the project, currently in the study phase, with construction set to begin in 2025. 会议由尼日利亚工程部长Dave Umahi参议员主持。 The meeting was chaired by Nigeria's Minister of Works, Senator Dave Umahi.