Cobb县警察调查南Cobb高中社区活动枪击事件,一枪毙命,嫌疑人被拘留。 Cobb County Police investigate shooting at South Cobb High School community event, one shot, suspect detained.
Cobb县警察正在调查南Cobb高中社区活动发生枪击事件,至少有一人被枪杀,一名嫌疑人被拘留。 Cobb County Police are investigating a shooting at a community event at South Cobb High School, where at least one person was shot and a suspect has been detained. Cobb县学校区证实,这一事件未经学校批准,也没有关于情况或受伤的进一步详情。 The Cobb County School District confirmed the event was not school-sanctioned and lacks further details on the situation or injuries. 调查正在进行中,预计随着获得更多资料,将提供最新资料。 The investigation is ongoing, with updates expected as more information becomes available.