38岁的奥林匹亚人蒙特尔·道格拉斯因严重疼痛住院治疗,与Bupa伙伴关系一起提高对月经健康问题的认识。 38-year-old Olympian Montell Douglas hospitalized for severe period pain, raises awareness about menstrual health issues with Bupa partnership.
英国奥运选手、Strictly Come Dancing 的参赛者蒙特尔·道格拉斯 (Montell Douglas) 因与痛经有关的严重经痛而住院。 Montell Douglas, a British Olympian and contestant on Strictly Come Dancing, has been hospitalized due to severe period pains linked to dysmenorrhoea. 38岁时,她强调年轻女孩在体育运动中身体形象和代表性的重要性。 At 38, she emphasizes the importance of body image and representation in sports for young girls. 道格拉斯鼓励妇女为月经问题寻求帮助,并通过植入避孕器获得救济。 Douglas encourages women to seek help for menstrual issues and has found relief through contraceptive implants. 她与Bupa合作,提高对月经健康的认识,并激励他人治疗其症状。 She partners with Bupa to raise awareness about menstrual health and inspire others to address their symptoms.