泰国的NSM为来自5 000名申请人的不到10人批准庇护, Thailand's NSM approved asylum for under 10 individuals from 5,000 applicants, amidst concerns over slow processing and language barriers.
泰国于9月启动的寻求庇护者国家甄别机制(NSM)已经批准向大约5 000名申请人中的不到10人提供庇护。 Thailand's National Screening Mechanism (NSM) for asylum seekers, launched in September, has approved asylum for fewer than 10 individuals amid an estimated 5,000 applicants. 批评者强调处理缓慢、语言障碍和担心政府暴露是主要障碍。 Critics highlight slow processing, language barriers, and fear of government exposure as major obstacles. 权利倡导者敦促作出改进,包括提高认识和增加口译,同时对国家安全政策可能阻碍合法要求表示关切。 Rights advocates urge improvements, including better awareness and more interpreters, while expressing concern that national security policies may hinder legitimate claims.