威尔士慈善机构Tir Coed成立25周年, 旨在促进以自然为基础的学习和福祉, 25th anniversary of Tir Coed, a Welsh charity fostering nature-based learning and wellbeing, marked with open days across west Wales.
Tir Coed 是威尔士的一家草根慈善机构,专注于将人们与大自然联系起来以促进学习和福祉,该机构正在西威尔士举办开放日庆祝其成立 25 周年。 Tir Coed, a grassroots charity in Wales focused on connecting people with nature for learning and wellbeing, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with open days across west Wales. 它成立于1999年,旨在为处境不利的个人提供社区设施、教育活动和就业机会。 Established in 1999, it aims to provide community facilities, educational activities, and job opportunities for disadvantaged individuals. 活动将展示其对社区和环境的影响,同时促进可持续性和个人发展。 The events will showcase its impact on communities and the environment while promoting sustainability and personal development. 所有人都被邀请参加庆祝活动。 Everyone is invited to join the celebration.