9月10日,本田飞机取消向Volato出售23架HA-420HondaJet HA-420飞机,价值161.6亿美元。 On Sept 10, Honda Aircraft cancelled the sale of 23 HondaJet HA-420 aircraft to Volato for $161.6m.
9月10日,本田飞机终止了与Volato的机队采购协议,该协议涉及以1.616亿美元出售23架HondaJet HA-420飞机,原于2023年5月签署。 On September 10, Honda Aircraft terminated its fleet purchase agreement with Volato, which involved the sale of 23 HondaJet HA-420 aircraft for $161.6 million, originally signed in May 2023. 取消的原因没有披露,本田公司将保留Volato的存款。 The reasons for the cancellation were not disclosed, and Honda will keep Volato's deposits. Volato现在可以寻求就飞机达成个别协议。 Volato can now pursue individual agreements for the aircraft. 对Volato客户及其与FlyExclusive的关系的影响仍然不清楚。 The effects on Volato's clients and its relationship with FlyExclusive remain unclear.